
Movies I Watched in 2020

Dusting off the old blog as we jump into the second year of coronavirus lockdown. I figured a way to pass the time would be to write about what I’ve been reading and watching. I thought about doing a “best movies of 2020” list but then just felt depressed! So, here’s a little recap of movies I watched in January and February. Stay tuned for more posts…


New(ish) Releases

1 — Mank


A little bit meandering, yet ultimately paid off. Would have felt different if perhaps I’d watched Citizen Kane first. Or if I had some context around the politics of the time. Here’s my full Letterboxd review: “


2 — Borat Subsequent Moviefilm


Weird and good. So, so good.


3 — The Trial of the Chicago 7


Went into this not realizing it was a courtroom drama. Came out of this admiring the editing and performances.


4 — Promising Young Woman


The good old “main character has batshit revenge idea that just might work” trope.


5 — Nomadland


Beautiful. Watch out for Chloe Zhao.


6 — Minari


Everyone knew I’d bawl during this and they were right! I cannot put this one into words. Go watch now.


7 — On the Rocks


Honestly? Great character work and story. It’s charming, relatable (to anxious overthinkers) and weirdly comforting.


First Watch

8 — Wonder Woman




9 — Dirty Dancing


I now understand why it’s a classic. I had the time of my life.


10 — Clerks


Funny. I get why it’s a cult classic. But I also get why it’s really only a cult classic.


11 — Citizen Kane


Watched this in preparation for Mank. It is truly unlike most movies I’ve seen — perhaps because of the point in time in which it came out, perhaps not.


Comfort (Re)watch

12 — Harry Potter and the Chamber of Secrets


Skipped the first of the series because I wanted to be jump right into the wizarding world. They’re so little here. It reminds me of the simplicity of being a kid with a big imagination and a want for magical worlds.

Maria Wurttele